You belong here just as much as anyone else.


Focusing on You


01 — Take inventory

Take a look at all the things on your plate, all your stressors, all your issues, note which are not under your immediate control, note which are right now problems vs. another day problems.

02 — be kind to yourself

We are good at identifying other’s struggles, cutting them some slack, empathizing with their plights, however we are terrible at giving ourselves the same consideration.

03 — stay present

Many times we spend so much of our time thinking of other things that we don’t see what is happening right now. Do you catch yourself thinking of things that do not have relevance in the present moment?

04 — prevent time travel

Dwelling on past events and worrying about the infinite amount of possible future ones keeps you from seeing the beauty of what is happening right now. Ground yourself. What is in your surroundings?

happiness is

not by chance,

but by choice.

-j. rohn

begin a better relationship with yourself now.